


We never forget our most important principle: People always come first to strive for perfection. In this context, our managers have an essential role model function of which they are fully aware. We are aware of our responsibility. One thing is clear and particularly close to our hearts: Children should play, not slave away. Therefore, we strongly condemn child labor and will never tolerate it in our production facilities. Our production facilities are regularly put through their paces and operated exclusively by qualified employees, complying with the highest safety standards. In this way, we ensure accident-free and trouble-free production and a trusting working atmosphere. Our employees are also regularly sensitized and trained concerning risks and possible hazardous situations. In addition to such optimal working conditions, people must regenerate and relax in our company's restrooms and sports facilities to develop new strength and creative energy. Chemical substances that are hazardous to the environment or health are not used in our products. We also strictly adhere to the relevant legal regulations and requirements in this context. But above all, the protection of people and the world in which we all live. Because in our actions, physical and mental integrity, health, well-being and the long-term preservation of an intact environment have top priority.

Social Commitment

Giving back

One thing is clear to us: economic success obliges social responsibility. Therefore, we want to give something back in the truest sense of the word because, unfortunately, empathy and solidarity cannot be taken for granted. Since the needs of the weaker members of our society are particularly close to our hearts, we established the AKKANAT Education and Health Foundationalmost thirty years ago. With this foundation, we want to help shape the future for all of us. The founder of Akkanat Holding and Aytex Textil-Vertriebs GmbH Ali Akkanat has taught children and young people for a long time and therefore knows very well how important it is to give young people self-confidence and competence through education. Because only through the thus acquired belief in their own abilities are these people later able to lead a self-determined life and, in turn, do good for others. In our eyes, every child has the right to be allowed to learn. To make this possible, more than 20 schools and a university have been built and their maintenance financed to date (as of 2010). Furthermore, through scholarships, we enable 2,000 - 3,000 children and young people to receive school and academic training each year. In addition to education, however, we also focus our attention on people's health. In addition to providing healthcare at our own production sites, our foundation therefore also supports the construction, technical equipment and operation of hospitals. And one thing is certain: many more social projects will follow because there is nothing better than being able to help us.







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